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Dog Walking Services & Prices
All Dog Walking services require a free, no obligation, 30 minute face to face consultation.

Please note the 30 Minute consult does not apply to training sessions.

We currently have a waiting list for most of our dog walking services but please get in touch with your area and requirements (eg days needed).

Pack Walks

Our pack walks are for dogs who already have some basic training skills. On these active walks we work on skills such as lead walking, sit and down stays, recall work and appropriate interactions between the dogs. Due to the level of skills the dogs have, we are able to explore lots of beautiful areas in and around Colchester, whilst being polite and well mannered to the rest of the public we come across.


This is our most popular service and fills up quickly each week. 


1 Hour Pack Walk - £13

2 Dogs from the same household - £19


Pack Development Walks 1Hr

These walks are for dogs that require a bit more support to develop their skills in a group setting. This can be anything from learning to be polite to the dogs around them, learning to lead walk in the presence of other dogs or for dogs that are nervous and need to build confidence in smaller groups. 

If your dog has specific training needs, these can be discussed and implemented during these walks.


1 Hour - £15

2 Dogs from the household will not be able to be taken on training walks together. This will either need to be separate sessions or solo walks.


Solo Walks

These walks are for dogs who are unable to manage any form of group setting at present. This may be due to anxiety, reactivity or for owners who would like very specific training needs to be implemented that would not be possible in larger groups. 

There is limited availability for solo walks and as such there is often a waiting list for these.

1 Hour - £21 

Two dogs from the same household - £29

30 Minutes - £16

Two dogs from the same household - £21

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Home Visits

Home visits are for every animal that's not suitable for walks outside of the house. 

Whether its your puppy that's just arrived home (Make sure you check out our page on puppies!), or other animals such as cats, ferrets, rodents or reptiles. 

We offer a very limited amount of drop in services to check up on, feed, cuddle or provide what ever your pets need.

30 Minutes - £10

45 Minutes - £12

Due to other services these are unable to be offered in the middle of the day.


House Sitting

Prices starting at £30 per night. These are tailored depending on the number of pets you have, if they need constant care or if they can be left for short periods.
Have your family pet looked after in the comfort of their own home.

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